Providing clients the highest amount of protection for copyrighted material 


The protection and use of copyrighted material is becoming increasingly important in today’s competitive business world. Parsons Behle & Latimer's attorneys understand the complex copyright infringement laws and can help you guard your interests. Parsons' copyright attorneys draw upon a broad range of experience in technology, the arts and the law to serve the needs of clients who are creators or consumers of copyrighted works. The firm’s clients include authors, composers, artists, performers and software developers as well as producers, financial institutions and businesses that are seeking to manage the legal aspects of copyrighted subject matter. We are experienced in registering copyrights; negotiating and drafting copyright assignments and licensing agreements; performing due diligence and rendering legal opinions; providing strategic counseling for employers producing copyrightable work product; consulting on matters of infringement, remedies, defenses and pre-litigation strategies; and advising clients on all aspects of copyright protection, licensing, and enforcement.


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