Parsons' project permitting and compliance attorneys have deep experience assisting clients with all stages of project permitting and regulatory compliance matters at federal, state and local levels


Parsons Behle & Latimer provides excellent legal services for both project permitting and ongoing regulatory compliance for operations situated on federal, state, Tribal and private lands. Our firm’s substantive knowledge of applicable laws and regulations (e.g., Clean Water Act, Clean Air Act, RCRA, FLPMA, ESA), as well as our extensive experience working with state, Tribal, federal regulators and local governments, makes us uniquely qualified to serve a wide range of needs.

The firm has teamed with some of the world’s largest mining companies to obtain permits for construction and expansion of large-scale mining operations across the Western states and in several foreign countries. We assisted clients permit gas and coal fired power plants, wind and solar facilities, interstate electrical transmission and natural gas pipelines, water projects, highways and other industrial, natural resource and infrastructure projects that are now in successful operation throughout the Intermountain West.

We represent both large and small operators to ensure on-going compliance with state and federal regulations in their day-to-day operations and defend clients against alleged violations when needed. Our attorneys regularly participate in internal environmental audit teams and assist with the development of environmental management systems, both valuable tools in ensuring companies stay on the right side of environmental regulatory requirements. We have successfully represented clients facing civil or criminal enforcement by state and federal agencies and have negotiated many consent decrees and other settlements for unpermitted releases or discharges or where groundwater or soils have become contaminated.

Our attorneys also represent client interests during federal and state rulemakings and when local governments adopt ordinances that could affect permitting or compliance for their industry. Whether commenting on proposed EPA or state regulations, providing guidance, or drafting and advocating favorable regulations or legislation for clients or industry groups, our attorneys' excellent understanding of the substantive legal issues coupled with their strong relationships with regulating agencies and key legislators allows us to provide unparalleled legal service.


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Transactions and Compliance for Multiple Solar Projects

Represented buyer in a transaction for the acquisition of multiple utility scale solar projects in varying stages of development, involving private, state and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) land. Performed due diligence; contract and agreement work. Since acquisition, conducted permitting, land acquisition, environmental, title, tax and other work including securing bona fide prospective purchaser protections that involved Brownfields property; EPA support in obtaining a Ready for Reuse determination.

Permitting Challenge in Federal District Court

Provided legal advice related to federal and state permitting of the Mount Hope Project owned by Eureka Moly. Represented Eureka Moly in appeals in Federal District Court challenging federal approval.
