Our attorneys are experienced with federal and state wildlife laws and are capable of assisting you with these important matters


Parsons Behle & Latimer's attorneys routinely counsel clients in compliance issues and various aspects of federal and state wildlife protection laws, including the Endangered Species Act, the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act and state counterpart laws. We have guided clients through Section 7 consultations, biological opinions and evaluations, environmental impact statements and other regulatory actions involving various listed or sensitive wildlife species including desert tortoise, Lahontan cutthroat trout, Utah prairie dog, spring snails, June Sucker, southwestern willow flycatcher, greater sage grouse, golden eagle, burrowing owl, yucca and cacti.

We have assisted in development of Avian and Bat Protection Plans for energy projects, transmission lines and mines and have defended clients in enforcement actions for the alleged take of protected species. We coordinate with consulting biologists and agency staff on the development of plant and wildlife survey and monitoring protocols and mitigation plans, ensuring they comply with applicable regulations. When necessary, we have participated in appeals and litigation over the adequacy or overreach of wildlife protection measures, recovery plans and have provided input on behalf of clients into listing decisions and other similar regulatory actions.

In short, we have the experience and expertise to assist with nearly any wildlife-related issue that might arise in the development or operation of your project or business.


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