On Nov. 1, 2011, the lawyers and staff from what was at the time, Idaho’s largest intellectual property (IP) law firm Zarian Midgley & Johnson, PLLC, joined the law firm Parsons Behle & Latimer (Parsons) to create Parsons’ current Boise office. This month, Parsons’ Boise office celebrates 10 years of continuous practice and service..

Boise Office Managing Shareholder, Brook B. Bond, says that at the time he and the other attorneys and staff joined Parsons, their goal was to broaden their practice footprint from one primarily specialized in IP to a more general practice office – something, he says, that has obviously been achieved. Bond says, “I have been delighted with how this past ten years has developed. I thank those who were here at the beginning and thank those who are here now. I also thank those in our Salt Lake City and Reno offices who welcomed us with open arms and made us feel like family from day one! Never have I worked with such great a group of people. I enjoy coming to work every day.”

Parsons’ Boise attorneys draw on multidisciplinary teams from across the firm – as all Parsons’ attorneys do – to provide a full spectrum of legal services and value to Parsons’ clients. The Boise office particularly specializes in litigation, intellectual property, corporate, employment, healthcare, government relations, real estate and water law.

Parsons’ Chairperson and CEO Shawn C. Ferrin says, “We congratulate our Boise office on 10 years of successful growth and development. We are proud to work with some of the best attorneys in the state of Idaho and appreciate the unparalleled level of service the members of our Boise office provide to our clients both in Idaho and throughout the firm.” 

Media contact:

Dana Robinson

Marketing and Communications Director

Parsons Behle & Latimer

Phone: 801.536.6647 Mobile: 801.541.4625

