
Parsons Behle & Latimer client Google and NV Energy, a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway Energy, have successfully collaborated to create a Clean Transition Tariff (CTT) for the utility and signed an energy supply agreement (ESA) for 115 megawatts of new, enhanced geothermal power, which will provide 24/7 carbon free energy to Google’s Storey County, Nevada facility, under the CTT. 

 The CTT and accompanying ESA allow Google to meet its growing electricity demand with 24/7 carbon free energy without increasing costs for NV Energy’s other customers. Google’s goal is to replicate the proposed structure in electricity markets across the United States. The proposed structure is currently pending review and approval by the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada.  Parsons’ attorney, Justina Caviglia, will continue to assist our client before the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada and will continue to help our client collaborate with other western electric markets to expand the CTT structure. 
